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How do I archive my app and what happens when I do?
How do I archive my app and what happens when I do?
Updated over a week ago
  1. Access Your Apps: Begin by going to

  2. Login: Click on the "Login" button and log in to your Lazy AI account.

  3. Select the App: Once you're logged in, you'll see the "My Apps" button at the top left corner of the Lazy interface. Click on it to open the menu displaying all your apps.

  4. Choose the App: From the list of your apps, select the one you wish to archive by clicking on it.

  5. Archive App: Click the "Archive app" button. This button is typically located just above the area where you send messages in the chat.

  6. Unarchive App: Once an app is archived, the same 'Archive App' button changes and becomes the 'Unarchive App' button. Click to unarchive.

What Happens When You Archive Your App?

No Data Loss: Archiving your app does not result in any data loss. All your app's data, configurations, and settings remain intact.

Clean My Apps List: Archiving simply moves the app to an archived section, effectively cleaning up your "My Apps" list. This is particularly useful if you have many apps and want to keep your workspace organized.

Stored, Not Deleted: Archiving does not delete the app. The app is safely stored and you can unarchive it at any time when you need to work on it again.

Accessing Archived Apps: When you open the "My apps" menu you will see another dropdown menu button that gives three options to view your apps, 'Hide archived', 'Archived only', 'All'. Choose your view and access your archived apps on your apps list accordingly.

Archiving your app is a handy feature to help you manage and streamline your workspace in Lazy AI. It keeps your workspace organized without any impact on the app's functionality or data.

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