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My app has an error, there is a bug or issue. What do I do?
My app has an error, there is a bug or issue. What do I do?
Updated over a week ago

Encountering issues while building and testing your apps in Lazy AI is a natural part of the development process. But don't worry, Lazy AI and the community can help!

**Very important** Read first:

  • The majority of reported issues' root cause is the user's prompt!

  • Please review this article "Best practices - Prompts", before attempting to debug..

Tips and suggestions to handle errors and debug your app:


  • If Lazy is slow

    • Press the Stop button and Restart App button

    • Refresh the page

  • Ask Lazy questions directly and tell it to help you:

    • Be very specific and very detailed

    • Provide Lazy as much context as possible

    • Provide Lazy with examples of expected versus actual result

  • Lazy does not always respond the same way to the same prompt.

    • That means that some issues will be resolved simply by reverting back to the working version of the app and re-sending the same prompt again.


  1. Use the 'Try to Fix this Error' button - Clicking this button will automatically prompt Lazy to fix the error.

    1. If you see a "Your request timed out..." error, then try sending your prompt again a few times. If issue persists after three attempts, please report the bug.

  2. Tell Lazy to add more logging to your application and feed the log results back in to Lazy to provide it more context and information about the issue.

    1. If you are retrieving data from a source and struggling to process that data, then ask Lazy to print the raw data from the source so that you can check that it is in the format you are expecting, and feed that back in to Lazy.

      1. For example, tell Lazy, "Please print the API response for this request as it can help us debug the issue."

  3. Check the code tab to see what the application is doing. Lazy writes in Python and uses descriptive comments, making it human readable.

    1. If you do not understand the code, then you can ask Lazy to explain parts of it to you or add more comments to the code to make it more understandable.

If you are building a more complex app,

  • Take a step by step approach - You must start with a very simple and specific version of a feature, get it to work correctly first, then build off of that.

    • ​This video gives a perfect example of taking this approach:

      • You can skip to minute 10:17 and watch until the end (~4 minutes) for a clear explanation and example of this approach.

If your app is not working as expected and there is no error reported in the test tab,

  • Describe to Lazy the steps taken prior to the problem. Provide context to Lazy by describing the actions you performed leading up to the problem. Explain the series of steps and interactions that triggered the issue. This information helps in understanding the problem's origin.

If your app opens a 'blank page' / 'blank screen' and nothing else,

  • Describe to Lazy that your app is displaying a blank page and Lazy will fix it for you.

If Lazy sends you a message that says, 'Warning - Certain functionality....' when testing your app,

  • It is expected that your app is still functional and you can effectively ignore warnings.

Retest and Copy Relevant Information
After implementing any necessary changes or fixes, retest your existing app within Lazy AI. If the error persists, ensure you have all the relevant information that can help AI engineers diagnose and fix the issue.

Lazy support and community:

If you'd like to speak to a person to get help or ask questions, use the intercom chat-support widget reach out in the Discord server to get help from Lazy team and community members.

Encountering errors is a natural part of app development, and by following these steps, you can work with Lazy AI to address and overcome challenges effectively in your existing app.

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