How does testing your app work
When you click the test my app button a test link will be generated. A test link enables the active builder to test the latest changes. This means you can change the app while the app under the published link stays the same. Sharing these links will only work for builders that are invited to co-build the app. When you click the link you’re creating a test session. Creating a new test session will automatically shut down your existing previous test sessions. Basically only one test session is allowed at a time per builder.
Example test link:
When you visit this link you’ll see the link transform to a link of your app running:
This link is now unique to you. Sharing it with anyone will try to restart the app for the new user. If they are not a co-builder they will not be allowed to test the app. If you’re logged in to lazy on another device and are trying to access your own app from a different device it will work. Your interactions with the app are confidential and only accessible to you.
What does publishing do
Publishing creates a publicly usable link for the app. The link is a permalink which is unique to your app and will never change so regardless of the changes you will only have one link. That means anyone visiting the link will get the latest up to date version of your app.
Example published link:
When you visit this link you’ll see the link transform to a link of your app running
This link is now unique to you. Sharing it with anyone will try to restart the app for the new user unless you’re logged in on another device to lazy and are trying to access your own app from a different device. Your interactions with the app are confidential and only accessible to you.